
Suid-Amerika: Fisiese Landmerke - Map Quiz Game

  • Amazon
  • Amazon Reënwoude
  • Andes
  • Atacama Woestyn
  • Atlantiese Oseaan
  • Brasiliese Hooglande
  • Falkland Eilande
  • Galápagos Eilande
  • Maracaibo meer
  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pampas
  • Paraguay River
  • Paraná River
  • Patagonië
  • Río de la Plata
  • Straat van Magellan
  • Tierra Del Fuego
  • Titicaca meer
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The South American continent is dominated by Brazil, which in turn is dominated by the massive Amazon rainforest that takes up most of its area. There are, however, many other physical features and different types of environments in the 13 countries that make up the continent. Southern Chile and Argentina, for example, have a temperate climate similar to much of Europe or North America, and there is also a desert and the towering Andes mountain range.

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