
Het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika: Landen - Map Quiz Game

  • Algerije
  • Bahrein
  • Cyprus
  • Egypte
  • Irak
  • Iran
  • Israël
  • Jemen
  • Jordanië
  • Koeweit
  • Libanon
  • Libië
  • Marokko
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi-Arabië
  • Syrië
  • Tunesië
  • Turkije
  • Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
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There are 20 independent countries that fall into the Middle East and North Africa regions. Although they are on different continents, the two regions are often grouped together because many of the countries share a common religion and language. There are, however, some notable exceptions, like Israel, Türkiye, and Iran that stand out as exceptions for various reasons. Some countries like Algeria are extremely large in terms of area, while others like Bahrain may be a little more difficult to find since they are quite small.

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